Monday, November 16, 2009

Preparations and anticipations

Spirit loves most everything about life.  Except maybe being bathed, who knows why.  Maybe she thinks she is going to go to a show, which she rates next to torture, or maybe she likes to stay a tomboy and roll in the mud.  So when bathing her today, between her moans and "the looks" I told her a little secret ......

If you want to be able to sleep loose in the house you have to be clean!!  You need to stay away from the garbage, even if those scraps smell divine!!  You need to stay in the "dog area" for awhile, yes that new "bed" is a little uncomfortable but it will be fine, you need to leave the paper in the "bed" and not shred it, just yet.  Yes you wil still have 4 small meals a day, yes you will be just fine.

I think I have her convinced that a bath was a nice thing to have.  Spirit on the other hand couldn't wait to find a place to roll, thank gawd it was in the leaves!!!

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