Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Good bye 2009, you brought us:
Lochlan - my perfect little baby
Keaton - my handsome nephew (the one with the hair!!)
My big 3-0!!!
My kids growing up a little each day, Trynity acing her spelling and doing almost as well in math!  Devlin enjoying school and learning more than last year.  Keara becoming funnier each and every day (I swear she should be a comedian).  My heart dog turned 10 years young and is a grandma to boot (a grandma at age 70, nice).  Colt losing all of his hearing (or so we think, it may be a combination of hard head and deafness).  Scandal and Spirit finally learning the meaning of "stand"!! Bliss winning multiple Best of Breeds, Spirit picking up some more points (with very limited showing she is doing good).  Hope coming out to play in the bred by class (I was bored LOL). Honor winning a 3rd overall in her first Veteran Sweeps against some pretty dang nice dogs.  My first attempt at planning a National Specialty single handed.  Wow was that fun.  My bestests coming out from BC to spend some time (it had been almost 9 years!).  Attending many dog shows, handling the #7 (I took her to #5) Rough Collie in Canada.  Winning Best Canadian Bred at the Brittany National, finishing Bliss' FDJ title in one year, watching Keara step into the peewee ring for the first time and totally loving it!! A new partnership and adventure with my best friend.  And many more ......

Hello 2010

The start of another New year.  The hopes and dreams, the friends to meet and the obstacles to hurdle!

From Our family to yours,
Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!
May all your hopes and dreams become reality!!!!!!!

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